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Play With Me: Diamond In The Rough 1 Page 3

  He smiled widely. “Maybe I’ll just pay your mother some attention this coming weekend, then. What’s the bar she likes to frequent? Bar None’s?”

  I tried not to let the comment get under my skin because I understood how boys like Clint worked. I had no patience for him, and I wanted to waste no more energy on this asshole or anything he had to say. He was only trying to look tough for his friends, to come into his senior year with a bang. Like he did every fucking school year. Only this time, he’d chosen me to sink his teeth into.

  And he was about to get a very rude awakening.

  I sighed. “Look, Clinton. I get it. Really, I do. You come over here and you tease me and push my buttons because you want a reaction. Because your parents are never around to pay you any attention. I understand, completely. My mother pays me no attention, so we’re more alike than you think.”

  He snarled. “I’ll never be like you.”

  “Why? Because you have money, or because you lack class?”

  “You don’t know the first fucking thing about having class.”

  “I do know the first fucking thing about ruffling your feathers, though, Mr. Peacock.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare.”

  I giggled. “What, Mr. Peacock? Don’t like the name?”

  “It’s Clint, you useless little bitch.”

  “Mr. Peacock it is. I knew you’d come to enjoy it.”

  I watched his fists ball up, and for a split second I thought he was going to slug me. I braced myself. Prepared my body to fight its way out of this corner he’d backed me into. The cafeteria became eerily silent. I felt everyone watching us. I felt my hands trembling from a lack of nourishment. I felt the room tilting as my blood sugar plummeted. I had to eat. Despite what I knew was coming if I tried, I had to get something in my stomach.

  I worked up the courage to pick up my spoon and dip it into my soup. As Clint’s eyes became engulfed in rage at my words, I puckered my lips and blew a stream of cool air across the steaming hot soup before clearing my throat.

  “Are you done? Because if you are, my friends are here and I’d like to eat in peace.”

  I saw Michael and Allison standing behind him holding their trays of food, ready to sit down with me. I put the spoonful of soup between my lips, and I could’ve sworn I saw his eyes follow the movement. But it was a fleeting motion and I wasn’t sure if I’d caught it right. He turned around, surveying my friends, and it was then I saw it.

  I watched his posture relax as that wild smile came back into view.

  It was as if everything played out in slow motion. Michael’s food tray fell from his hands as he lunged toward Clint. Allison jerked her tray up toward her own face, tossing food all over her chest as Clint quickly got up. He threw himself forward, his hand making its way underneath the table. I heard Allison squealing as food poured over her and I heard Michael yelling at Clint to get away from me. And as Clint’s hand slammed underneath the table, I watched my only food for the rest of the day jostle. My water bottle turned over, flooding my brown pants as the piping hot soup tumbled against my chest. I felt it soaking my outfit as I stood up, my jaw dropped open as the spoon fell from my hand.

  Clint’s chuckle dawned on my ears, causing the world to move at regular speed as I snapped my face over toward his.

  I licked my lips. “You’re going to regret that.”

  His eyes fell down my body. “Trust me, I already do. No one wants to see those clothes clinging to a body like yours. You should probably go home and change.”

  Allison hissed. “You’re a fucking loser, Clint.”

  Michael stepped in front of her. “Get the heck out of here.”

  Clint lunged at him, causing Michael and Allison to flinch. He laughed at the two of them, then turned back to me. I looked down at the mess my clothes had become. The soup that was on my stomach instead of in it. The searing hot pain forced tears to my eyes as he snickered, then walked away. I shook my hands off. I saw teachers rushing up to him and me. I saw the principal already pulling Clint aside, which only garnered him more respect from his bullshit friends.

  And it was then I tuned in to the rest of the cafeteria.

  It was then I tuned into the raucous laughter as everyone stared at me.

  A teacher came over to talk to me, but I gathered up my things and raced out of the room, leaving the laughing behind. I felt Allison hot on my heels as I threw myself into the bathroom. I heard the door close and lock. And as I brushed tears away from my eyes, I clenched my teeth tight.

  “He’s just a dick, Rae. Don’t let him get to you,” Allison said.

  I clenched my fists. “It’s not him I’m angry at. It’s the rest of those dickweeds.”

  Allison pulled at some paper towels and ran them underneath some water. I didn't have a chance in hell of cleaning up these clothes enough to look respectable throughout the rest of the day. Not that I’d looked respectable beforehand. But at least I’d looked better than this. She handed me a soaked paper towel before getting one for herself. Together, we wiped the soup off my shirt.

  She shrugged. “I mean, at least it’s a black shirt. Sit in the right lighting and people won’t even know it’s there.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, well, they’ll still smell it coming from a mile away.”

  “Good thing tomato soup smells good?”

  Somehow—like she always did—Allison got me to laugh. My grimace became a grin, and soon we were gabbing while trying to clean off our clothes. I sighed as I racked my brain, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do for the rest of the day.

  Then it dawned on me.

  “We need to go to my locker,” I said.

  Allison paused. “Do you have a change of clothes there?”

  I nodded. “I mean, they’re not the best clothes. But look at what I’m already wearing. I have P.E. this year because I skipped it my freshman year.”

  She smiled. “Your gym clothes are in your locker?”

  “Will you come with me?”

  “I’ll do you one better. Give me your locker number and combination. I’ll go get it for you.”

  “You’re a lifesaver, you know that?”

  She winked. “I have a tendency to have good ideas every once in a while.”

  And as I rattled off what she needed to know, she slipped out of the bathroom. Leaving me to stand in the mirror and take a good, hard look at myself.

  Something I hated doing.

  Especially if I was alone.



  With my sunglasses sinking down the bridge of my nose, I tossed my jacket over my shoulder. History. I hated history class. Any history class, really. But especially world history. The fuck did I care what happened on the other side of the planet over a hundred years ago? Didn’t affect me now. But, for some reason, it was required of me to know.

  I didn’t mind being late to class, though.

  The teacher pursed her lips. “How nice of you to join us, Mr. Clarke.”

  I grinned. “Pleasure’s all mine, Mrs. Christ.”

  “Take a seat, and know it’s your spot for the rest of the semester.”

  I scanned the room, taking in the pathetic crowd of losers that had already been in class for damn near twenty minutes. And as my eyes gravitated toward the front corner desk, there she sat. Rae Cleaver. In a pair of bright orange shorts, a white tank top, and some random jacket tossed over her shoulders. My smile grew positively out of control. She’d changed into her gym clothes. And oh, was it a sight to behold. I didn’t think I’d ever seen Rae in anything other than pants. I mean, did the idiot not take P.E. her freshman year to get it out of the way?

  Figures. Stupid as hell, just like her mother.

  I snorted as I made my way toward the back row. I sure as hell wasn’t taking the seat behind Rae. I mean, I didn’t want to smell the musty stench of her house all damn period. I flopped myself in the back corner desk, where I pushed my sunglasses up my f
ace. And as that stuck up, preppy little Allison leaned in toward Rae, I saw the two of them whisper to one another. Exchanging secrets about me.

  I mean, it was painfully obvious they were talking about me.

  Thanks for making me the center of your world, ladies.

  The teacher clapped her hands. “All right. Now that our daily distraction is over, let’s get back to the syllabus.”

  I raised my hand. “Mrs. Christ?”

  “You can get a syllabus at the end of class. Take notes while you’re here, and don’t be late to my class again.”

  I heard giggles rising up from the front corner of the classroom. Allison, with her bright blond hair, and Rae. With her plain brown hair, her annoying little freckles, and her dark eyes. Like blackened pits of despair that reeked of the desolate wasteland called ‘her neighborhood.’

  I watched her throughout class. I watched Rae tuck her foot up under her thigh, splaying it out more against her seat. The teacher rambled on about shit I didn’t care about as Rae’s frizzy ponytail swung against her back. That jacket slipped from her shoulders, revealing a softly-toned strength underneath them that called for a second glance.

  Or a really fucking long stare.

  Maybe she’s not all pig fat, after all.

  “Mr. Clarke?”

  I whipped my head to the front of the classroom as Mrs. Christ called my name.


  The teacher sighed. “Can you answer for the class why world history is so important?”

  I licked my lips. “Uh, because it’s important to know thine enemy?”

  Some of the class giggled, but all Rae did was stare at the whiteboard, studiously ignoring me, even though I knew she felt me staring. I knew she felt my presence. I knew she wanted to look back, too. Allison kept peeking. Snickering. Shaking her head at me, like some disapproving mother. I guessed she was preparing for her future role as a stay-at-home soccer mom, ready to punish her kids with a swift blow of her angry gaze.

  If her future husband was lucky enough, she’d put out a decent blowjob every once in a while.

  “Mr. Clarke,” the teacher said curtly.

  I sighed. “What?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Tuck in the attitude and consider this a reflection of your daily grade. What’s the importance of world history?”

  “I take it my answer wasn’t an acceptable one.”

  Allison scoffed. “Obviously, idiot.”

  The teacher frowned. “Miss Denver, let me handle it.”

  I grinned. “Then handle it a little better this time around.”

  The class oohed, and it caused me to smile widely. I loved getting underneath my teachers’ skin. Why they kept promoting me up grades, I’d never understand. Why they kept giving me grades I never earned, I’d never get. Maybe they didn’t want to put up with me anymore. Or maybe my parents had given so much money to this damn place that they felt they couldn't fail me. Either way, it wasn’t as if my parents were in town to do anything about it.

  I mean, they had at least a day’s worth of flights ahead of them before they could even think about popping me upside my head.

  Mrs. Christ nodded curtly. “Is there anyone else that wants to join Mr. Clarke in a daily failing grade?”

  I shrugged. “Not my fault you don’t care about your enemies.”

  “That’s enough, Clinton.”

  Rae giggled. “Be careful, he doesn’t like that name very much.”

  The class laughed along with her and I shot her a death glare. I wanted to wrap my hand up in that damn ponytail of hers and tug until she cried for me to stop. Who the fuck did she think she was, embarrassing me like that?

  Oh, she’d get what was coming to her soon enough.

  “Miss Cleaver, one more outburst from you and you’ll be heading to the principal’s office.”

  I snickered. “I don’t think she’s ever been there before. Might be a fun field trip.”

  Allison turned around. “Your parents around to sign your permission slip, Clint?”

  I glared. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your mother when she’s getting home from my father’s bed later?”

  “That’s enough!” Mrs. Christ exclaimed.

  And then Rae turned around. “Put a fucking sock in it, asshole.”

  Part of the class was dying with laughter, and the other part stared in horror. I smiled deviously at her as our history teacher walked over to her desk, tapping on it twice. I knew that signal all too well. It was practically my mantra during my high school years. One tap means a warning, two taps means the principal’s office. And when Mrs. Christ leveled her eyes with me, I held up my hands.

  “I’m going. I’m going. I know how this works,” I said.

  The teacher sighed. “And you’d do well to try and straighten yourself out. Because unlike the rest of your teachers, I’m not afraid of your parents. I’ve got no issues failing you right out of my class and holding you back a year if that’s what it takes to straighten you out.”

  Rae scoffed. “Good luck with that.”

  I feigned shock. “Why, Miss Cleaver. You’re already in hot water. Whatever did you say that for?”

  “I’ll put my fist through your face if you don’t stop.”

  “I’d love to see you try.”

  Mrs. Christ raised her voice. “Principal’s office. Now!”

  Rae bit down on the inside of her cheek in frustration and I blew her a kiss. I slid my sunglasses down on my face, watching her boil over with anger as I tossed her a playful wink. Oh, having history together was going to be fun. Especially right after our lunch break. Back-to-back moments where I got to pick and poke and prod until she finally exploded.

  And maybe, I could get her in the principal’s office a few more times with me.

  I walked over to the classroom door and held it open for her. I bowed deeply as she walked through, and I felt her bump my forehead with her hip. Hard. The motion made the class cackle with laughter again, but it stunned me for a split second. The softness of her skin. The warmth of her hip. The strength behind it as I stumbled back a bit.

  Rae definitely had some secrets underneath those clothes.

  And I want to uncover all of them.

  I shot up at the thought and shook my head. I let the door bang closed as I trotted to catch up with Rae. She was striding, trying to get away from me as we made our way for the stairs. I shoved the door open, forcing it to swing back before letting go. And as I turned around, I watched Rae hold out her hands. The door slammed back into her, knocking her clear off her feet as curses left her lips.

  “Fucking hell, are you serious?”

  I puckered my lips. “Oh, baby. You kiss your momma with that mouth?”

  She bounced down the stairs. “Get the hell away from me.”

  I caught up to her, slinging my arm around her shoulders. “And here I thought we were becoming best buds.”

  Then, out of nowhere, she gripped my wrist. She wrangled me away from her body, twisting my arm around my back. She bent my wrist up, causing me to growl out as she shoved me into the wall. And as we stood there on the platform between the staircases, she shoved her knee into the back of my thigh.

  “If you ever touch me again, be prepared to lose your hand. Understood?”

  I snickered. “Feisty little one, aren’t you?”

  She shoved me one last time, then released my wrist. I turned around, rubbing at my shoulder as she made her way quickly down the steps. Well, well, well. Rae Cleaver was just full of surprises, wasn’t she?

  It only spurred me on, made me want to rush to her side. I got there just in time to open the bottom stairwell door for her, then ushered her through. She glared at me, causing me to chuckle as her face scrunched up. Those insane freckles on her face always moved at the slightest twitch of her muscles, causing her eyes to ignite. She reacted more than anyone I’d ever picked on. And I enjoyed the way she attempted to defend herself.

  Especially when
she put her hands on me.

  I like them a little spicy.

  I strode after her, shouldering her as we made our way for the principal’s office. She scoffed and moved away from me, but I brushed against her again, trying to see how angry I could make her before we got to our final destination. And when she shoved me with her hands, the strength behind her push damn near knocked me off my feet.

  I stumbled. “Wow. Got some power behind that push.”

  “And don’t you forget it.”

  I grinned. “Never thought a goody-good like you would get sent to the principal’s office. That’s usually my forte.”

  And while she ignored me, I knew she couldn’t for long.

  “Those shorts look good on you. Though your legs could use a fresh shave.”

  “Do your bras always look this terrible on you?”

  “Why the hell didn’t you just take P.E. our freshman year? You look ridiculous in that getup.”

  “Whose jacket is that anyway? Let me see.”

  I pulled the jacket off her shoulders and that’s when it happened. She spun around, ripped it clear from my hand, and pressed her fingertips against my chest. She backed me all the way into the wall as I held up my hands, playfully grinning at her as she glared up at me. Her brown eyes went from black tar pits of desolation to glowing amber gems. Lit up by an exploding sky and pulsating with the anger of a thousand rabid dogs.

  I’d never seen this side of her before. And it was intriguing.

  “Listen here, you waste of space. You’re pathetic. You get underneath people’s skin because you can’t stand your own life, so you have to make everyone else miserable just like you are. I know how you operate, because my mother’s the same way. The two of you are no different, which means I’ll treat you no different. So keep being a manwhore and keep putting out and keep trying to deflect from the sadness you feel inside. And while I’m reaching for the stars, enjoying my life, you’ll be struggling to climb out of the hell hole you’ve dug for yourself. Got it?”

  Her nostrils flared. Her eyes grew wider. Her cheeks flushed with a deep red tint, accenting the freckles they backdropped. I almost couldn't take my eyes off her. I almost couldn't slip away from her grasp. But when she shoved my chest one last time, it shocked me back into reality.